
Thursday, July 14, 2011

In a Nutshell..

Well. Apparently I’m really bad at keeping a blog, haha. SO much has been happening.
Although things were pretty structured, I still got to be involved in a lot of different aspects of work here at Casa de Fe. I’ve been in charge of “baby time” with the short-term teams...
Karlita <3
...helping lead Kindergarten activities... 
Kevin shows off his artwork
Tati and Greis get dressed for the ball

... helping with “Bible Time” with all of the older kids (toddlers and up!)...
...helping lead Pre-Kindergarten activities...
Sheyla and Nila

 ...supervising and planning “field trips”...
"Teacher! Es frio!"
My swimming partner, Kevin,
decided the water was too cold,
so we played soccer instead.
He's cute.

... and helping plan and lead large group activities...
On Tuesday I got to help with construction on what will be the new school building! We poured 3/5 of the second floor. Words will never be sufficient to describe what we did that day, but in a nutshell: We spent 12 hours shovelling rocks and sand into buckets and then carrying these heavy buckets to the cement mixer. It rained most of the day and it had been dark for a few hours when we finally finished. I can honestly say that I never done work that is so physically taxing for so long in my entire life. They gave the volunteers Wednesday morning off, which we were so grateful for, because all of us could hardly move (I found out that, yes, even muscles in your fingers and toes can ache!). Now that I’ve done construction, I appreciate that aspect of work here all the more.

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